Sally Pace
When Sally Pace came to Woodlake for a prospective Home Economics teaching position in 1971, the current teacher told her she was crazy to want the job. Two weeks later, she signed the contract and WHS has never been the same. She taught all freshman girls, had four lab classes, taught cultural foods, sewing, “On Your Own” and interior design. She created costumes for Dennis Connor’s Mexican Folk Dance class, having students help sew the yards and yards of ribbon on skirts that seemed to go on forever. She also started a child care class for Tulare County Organization for Vocational Education (TCOVE).
Sally is married to Michael Pace, who was also a teacher. She took a break after their two children Ryan (WHS 1992) and Natalie (WHS 1994) were born and resumed teaching in 1976. The next year, she and Margaret Wolfe started working with students in the Woodlake FHA –HERO organization. It was one of the largest and most successful chapters in California. In 1985 – 86, Sally and Dennis took over the Counseling program with Pearl Clarke, Jacinto Gardea and Mercy Herrera. Sally is responsible for many of the programs in force today: Career Day, Senior Exit Interviews/Portfolio Review, the Community Service Graduation Requirement, On-Site College Study Trips, the School to Career Program, Peer Counseling, High Risk Student Study Teams, 8th Grade Registration and Parent Night, and Financial Aid and College Application Workshops for parents and students.
All this hard work earned Sally many school, state, county and community honors. She continues to strive to draw in others to help make Woodlake a wonderful place of opportunity for students and parents alike. The community recognizes her amazing energy and contributions to the lives of many who have had the pleasure to live and work with her.