Rigoberto Hernandez - Agriculture and Science Scholarship

Rigoberto Hernandez is a 1997 WHS Graduate and was the recipient of the William Lanford Scholarship to attend Fresno State University where he majored in Agriculture. After graduating from Fresno State in 2001, he started working in the retail nursery business in Fresno. That same year, he and his brothers Ruben and Jesus, started Green Hills Nursery in Orosi as a wholesale nursery. After more than 10 years in the wholesale business they decided to expand to retail and in 2015 they opened Green Hills Nursery in Fresno as a retail garden center. With three growing locations, the brothers own 30 acres of land: Orosi growing grounds has 13 acres, Highland growing grounds in Fresno county is 10 acres and the retail garden center in Fresno is 7 acres.

Since the creation of Green Hills, Rigoberto has always said “We believed that quality was, and is, the base of a successful business. We have always tried to grow quality plants by having quality people and using quality materials to create and grow quality plants. Green hills currently employs 40 full time dedicated employees necessary to support our customers needs. We feel very fortunate to be part of our community as we believe that our customers are the best customers any nursery can ask for.”

Criteria: Student must be planning to study Agriculture or a Sciences

Selected By: Rigoberto Hernandez and Family


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